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作文 > 英语作文 > 热点英语作文 > 动物类英语作文 > little_700字


2023-12-08 来源:网络资源

  If someone asks me what little animal I like, I will not hesitate to tell him that my favorite little rabbit.

  When I was five years old, my grandfather bought me a little white rabbit. This little rabbit looks very cute。 Its ears long, pointed, whenever there is a voice, it is necessary to stand up and listen. Its mouth has three halves, both sides of the mouth also long long beard. Its body snow white, feels soft, slippery. Especially its pair of big eyes, like a ruby-like shiny.

  White rabbits love carrots and vegetables. Once, when I feed it to eat, deliberately raised the cabbage, did not expect it to stretch the two front legs, all of a sudden put the cabbage to take away. I wanted to give it a song, did not expect to scare it jump, it was a coward.

  You say, my little white rabbit is not very cute. Do you like it too.

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