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friendship is precious_2000字

2023-12-08 来源:网络资源


  Everyone has to do what they miss. Of course, Im no exception. In this life, I have done many wrong things and regret. But there is one thing I will never forget.


  I remember in the fourth grade, I have a friend who is both intimate and best friend. She is a monitor. In the second semester of the fourth grade, my best friend was very mean. At that time, many students hated her, because she often wronged others, others did a little wrong, she scolded others for this, but also to the monitors power to pressure students. There are many students who want our class leaders to take a breath for them and tell the teachers.


  The opportunity came. Another Saturday morning, the teacher asked some of our class cadres to go back to work for her.


  When we have finished what the teacher asked us to do, we will go and tell the teacher about the recent bad situation. The teacher asked us and my good friend to go to the teachers office. Lets talk about her recent behavior and let her judge whether she was right or wrong as a monitor.


  We were quick to say what she had done. After that, the teacher let us go first, leaving my good friend alone.


  In the afternoon, my good friends mother called me. She said a lot to me. I knew I had done wrong. The mistake is to be a good friend of others. We should not tell the teacher about his shortcomings. We should tell him in person and let him correct himself. We used to be very close friends. For such a small matter, it hurt our friendship. Is it worth it?


  I called her immediately and apologized sincerely to her, but she said to me in a low voice: you dont have to say anything, you go downstairs now, I have something to say to you. Im upset all of a sudden. I dont know what to do. In case she tells me that I will


  Its no longer your friend, so mix it up. I didnt want so much, so I took some of her favorite candy and went downstairs.


  She came down, her eyes were red, and she should have cried for a long time. But, to my delight, she gave me the popsicle I like, and smiled and said to me: thank you, you let me know my shortcomings. We are still good friends in the future. what? I was so surprised. I immediately took out the sugar I brought to her and said, yes, we are still good friends.


  Yes, friendship is precious. We should cherish it.


  It makes me both regret and happy. Because I have a good friend who can change his mistakes and be generous.

中学生 、写作素材、优秀作文以及有奖活动




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