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作文 > 热点话题 > 感恩节英语作文 > 感恩节英语作文_800字


2021-11-10 来源:网络资源

 Some say, knowledge is the source of wisdom. You know, who is this gives you knowledge? Right! He is our teacher selfless dedication. With a boat in the sea, people call it the boat "knowledge". Only wise, the learned man to drive it to the shore of success. So, this teach us knowledge is our people's teacher. Behind a successful man, there is a man who taught him knowledge workers, that is the teacher. The teacher is human engineer, the construction of the motherland beautiful tomorrow; The teacher like the gardener, hard to cultivate our these flowers of the motherland; , teacher like a candle, burn yourself out to give light to others. The teacher is like a silkworm, sacrifice themselves, the benefit of others.

  I have a grateful heart, I am grateful parents, thank a teacher. Friend, do you? Hope you have a grateful heart, in that way, our motherland's tomorrow will be better!

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