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四年级英语作文:I love running_900字

2021-06-19 来源:网络转载

  Everyone has their own preferences, such as: chess, chess, painting, reading, skipping ... but I love running.

  Ever since I read the 2007 Games, the men's 110 meters hurdles, Liu Xiang win honors with 9 seconds 38 I love running. All day on campus, jumped, danced, ran. On one occasion, our gym class, the teacher said: "Today our class competition running good?" We said in unison: "Well, yeah, that running, my heart is flattered, I thought: hee hee, running is my strength, and this time I win! only heard the teacher said: "Ready, run! Students all of them have like a horse flying in the playground, I am of course a very strict, a drum of gas more than the students, and catch up with the students, students who had all been dumped me far , in front of got left a fellow student, I used the power of the body, finally overtook him, ah! In front of the end, I accelerate, accelerate, yes, I finally won a championship!

  Treadmill exercise the body that is, let me enjoy the pleasure of sports, I hope that through my efforts and constant exercise, and grow up like Liu Xiang, glory for the country!

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