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我的家人My Families_650字

2019-01-06 来源:本站原创

  I live in lovely family. There are three people in my family, my parents and I. My father is a policeman. He works in the police station of my city. He is always busy with his work and he has business trips often. Sometimes, he would tell something about his job to me. Of course, they are not the dangerous ones. My mother is teacher of a primary school. She teaches math and she was once my teacher, too. She is always kind and patient to her students. Luckily, she doesn’t have to work overtime, so that she has enough time to take[复习必备 | 海量免费学习视频资源尽在“学而思轻课APP”>>>点击了解] good care of me. I am very thankful to my parents and I love them very much.



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