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作文 > 英语作文 > 初中英语作文 > 初三年级英语作文 > 怀念校园_500字


2018-06-26 来源:作文网整理

     our school factory was opend in 1980, it is over 20 years old since it was opened at the beginning of its opening there were only several workers and the product was still simple.
     but now the factory is developed into a big one, which has over 100 workers. it produces a lot of products. such as exercise-books, note books chalks and so on. the products are in good quality and low prices, so they sell well in many areas.
     with the development of production, the income is increasing year by year. the factory offers the teachers and students breakfast for free. every month, we go to the factory to work in turn. in this way, we form good habit of loving work.


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