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I worship lu xun我崇拜鲁迅_1000字

2018-06-26 来源:作文网整理

  I admire lu xun very much. Lu xun, the pen name comes from the revolution, his real name is called zhou shuren, he is a very good writer, he was a revolutionary, I admire him, lu xun detest evil, he has a very great national spirit, and he is a man who has a lot of thought. Lu xun is very talented and leaves us many good books. Lu xun told us many things about his childhood, which made me know that lu xun had been strict with himself since he was a child, and he was good at observing things around him, which was worth learning. My favorite reading was "the scream" by lu xun, which inspired the progressive youth of the time. The book tells a lot of interesting stories, and there is a lot of truth behind these stories. I have a lot of feelings about reading this book. I know the life of Chinese society before, and I feel that lu xun is very patriotic. I want to be a person like lu xun who can contribute to others and can influence future generations.


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