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My Family_650字

2018-06-26 来源:作文网整理

     East or west, home is best. As this famous sentence says, I love my family very much.
     I’m a 13-year-old girl with short, black hair and bright eyes. I was born in Urumqi, Xinjiang. But now, I live in Chongqing with my mom.
     I have a big family, the main parts of it are my parents and me.
     My mother is a university teacher, she teaches the subject about films and news to her students. She’s clever and knows lots of things about movies, art and literature. She’s very hard-working. She’s always a kind woman, too. Except that sometime, I did something wrong.
     My father still lives in Urumqi. He is a manager of a print factory. He’s interesting. But because he often plays the leader rule on his work, sometimes he is very strict at home! However, I usually have a fun time with him.
     This is my family. I will love it forever.


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