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I am me_650字

2018-06-26 来源:作文网整理

     I just like a start,although i am so small and far,but i am bright,i am pround of myself.
     My name is Sen Guo,i'm a middle school student,today,let me talk about myself. In my life,i am good at study,because i usually get good grades,and my teachers all like me,so i always feel so lucky and happy.And i like drawing too,although my pictures are not good,but i think OK,i believe myself .So these are my good things.Next,let me tell you my bad things,i am so short and small,also fat,my brother always laugh at me,amd i am not good for myself,because i often think i am so ugly,so i don't like to take pictures,then,i am not so brave,i afraid og my teachers,i afraid to talk in public,because i am so shy.
     This is me,a bad but lovely me,so i will start correct them,i believe myself,come on!


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