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Best product最佳产品

2018-06-25 来源:作文网整理

     All over the world,there are many different products in many different town or city,for example,Anxi and Hang zhou are widely know for their tea.Of course,in my town,also has a femous thing-yellow flower. Next,let me introduce them for you.They are made by hand from people,so they are simple to made,you just throw down seeds in the field,then through some time,you go there water them,and you must also cut down some grass in the filed,then,you can wait them to grow up.And,they are used for making oil,and helping person to cook.They are so special because they are made just in my town,and so many visitors come here from time to time,then take photos with family,it looks like so beautiful.
     I am pround of them,if you have free time,please come here.


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