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作文 > 英语作文 > 考试英语作文 > 高考英语作文 > 2017年高考上海卷英语优秀范文二


2018-06-06 来源:作文网整理

  I have learned from our BBS that an outdoor hiking is being organized by the student union, which is naturally good news for me, a wild walking enthusiast. So I am eager to join the program and I'd also like to offer some suggestions.
  Exploring our potential is not only one of the many benefits and joys brought by travelling through wildness, but also a highly strength-demanding challenge. Therefore,one or two weeks' basic coaching is necessary for the less experienced team members to have a good command of movement skills and navigation ability. Besides, a proficient guide is the guarantee of the hiking, during which we may face some unexpected hazards.That is why I propose to choose a tourist agency to organize this activity. The last but most important is that, as walking in the wild is a test of physical endurance and flexibility, some intense training should also be demanded before we start the journey.
  I am sure the adventures provided by the days in fresh air and open country will be an essential antidote to our pressures of heavy schoolwork.


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