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作文> 英语作文> 初中英语作文> 初一年级英语作文> Protect the environment_800字

Protect the environment_800字

2016-09-23 来源:作文网原创

Today, Iwant to tell people to protect the environment because I am a member of schoolFriends of the EarthClub. With the fast development of economy, the environment is more and more terrible and there is no denying that more and more people becoming sick because of the environment. So we have to spare no effort to protect the environment.

I have some suggestions about how to protect the environment. First, we can use public transportation instead of private cars because it can save energy. Secondly, create something that is beneficial to the environment because the environment is really important. Finally, save electricity by switching off the light when you leave home. What we should be doing is to make every effort to protect our only hometown----the Earth.



Today, Iwant to tell people to protect the environment because I am a member of schoolFriends of the EarthClub. With the fast development of economy, the environment is more and more terrible and there is no denying that more and more peoplebecomesick because of the environment. So we have to spare noeffortsto protect the environment.

I have some suggestions about how to protect the environment. First, we can use public transportation instead of private cars because it can save energy. Secondly, we should create something that is beneficial to the environment because the environment is really important. Finally, we can save electricity by switching off the light when we leave home.

What we should be doing is to make every effort to protect our only hometown----the Earth.


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