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The Dragon Boat Festival_250字

2016-08-06 来源:作文网原创

The dragon boat festival is alse called the Duan well festival.It is on May 5th of the Chinese lunar  calendar.We eat Zongzi and race dragon boat to honor thegread poet,Qu Yuan. Zongzi is a pyramid-shaped dumpling.Adragon boat is like a dragon and painted in red,white,yellow and black.



The dragon boat festival is alse called Duanwu Festival. It is on May 5th of the Chinese lunar calendar. We eat Zongzi and race dragon boat to honor the gread poet, Qu Yuan. Zongzi is a pyramid-shaped dumpling which is filled with rice. People think the rice can keep th hungry fish away from his body. A dragon boat is like a dragon and painted in red,white,yellow and black. It is said that people tried to row the boat to save Qu Yuan, but it was too late.


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