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The Whales_650字

2016-06-22 来源:作文网原创

The whales are huge and some kind have teeth. They live in the sea. In the sea,they eat small fish and  sea life,they are so big that they should eat too much food. The whales can sing beautiful songs ang j-ump high out of the water.That's very interesting. But, the whale is now less and less, they are in danger because humans catch whales for meat, fat and oil,water pollution and whale parts sold to make things like candles and soap. We should think carefull-y, because these are our problrms. So, let us learn more about whales, stop putting rubbish into the se-a and we should learn rules on whale protection.peotect nature is protect ourself 


The whales are huge and some kinds have teeth. They live in the sea. They eat small fish and sea life, they are so big that they should eat too much food. The whales can sing beautiful songs ang jump high out of the water.That's very interesting. 

But the whales are less and less now. They are in danger because humans catch whales for meat, fat and oil. They use the parts of the whale to make things like candles and soap. We should think carefully, because these are our problems.

So let us learn more about whales, and stop putting rubbish into the sea. We should learn rules on whale protection. As we know, protecting nature is protecting ourselves.


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