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作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 六年级英语作文 > Our English Teacher_600字

Our English Teacher_600字

2016-06-16 来源:作文网原创

We  have  an  English  teacher. She  is  Miss  Zhou. She  is  very  friendly, because  she  has  a  pair  of  big  and  black  eyes. Her  ears  are  small. Her  favourite  season  is  summer. Why? Because  in  the  summer, she  can  take  the  students  of  our  class  have  a  picnic,    but  also  took  our  class  to  participate  in  various  activities  and  fun.Of course, we  like  her very  much, and  we  respect  her. Because  she  often  in  our  study  of  the  confusion, to  help  us, teach  us  how  to  do  this  kind  of  problem.In  our  view,  our  English  teacher  is  very  good  and  competent.



We have an English teacher. She is Miss Zhou. She has a pair of big black eyes and her ears are small. Her favourite season is summer. Why? Because in summer, she  can take the students out to have a picnic, and also can take our class to participate  in various activities. We like her very much, and we respect her. Because she often helps us when we are in trouble, teaching us how to deal with different kinds of  problems. In our view, our English teacher is very good and competent.




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