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作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 六年级英语作文 > 【Hug in spring essay】Spring_800字

【Hug in spring essay】Spring_800字

2016-04-28 来源:作文网原创


Spring is my favorite season!In spring, the trees take out new shoots,grow pale green leaves . The grass on the playground  also sneak out of the head, on the playground on the east of the kapok tree is full of red flowers, like escaping the burning fire. Litchi and longan all over the tree flowers, attracted a lot of bees, the bees humming, with colorful flowers adorn the campus.  Spring, the willow branches in the breeze and rain in the sky of the dye to the green, green bud quietly covered with willow branches.Spring breeze blow the willow branches open, gently a shake a put, it is like a barber, with an enormous comb and scissors for the little girl's hair.    Ah, spring! You decorate the earth with a rainbow of colors; Your tender caress has given rise to all things; You smell fresh brought to life. I love you, the beautiful spring!


Spring is my favorite season!In spring, the trees put out new shoots,grow pale green leaves . The grass on the ground  also made a bud, kapok tree is full of red flowers, like the burning fire. The flowers on the tree attract a lot of bees.The bees are humming around from flower to flower.  Spring, the willow branches in the breeze and rain in the sky of the dye to the green, green bud quietly covered with willow branches.Spring breeze blow the willow branches open, gently a shake a put, it is like a barber, with an enormous comb and scissors for the little girl's hair.    Ah, spring! You decorate the earth with a rainbow of colors; Your tender cares has given rise to all things; You make life alive . I love you, the beautiful spring!

修改老师:Crystal 老师 


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