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作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 六年级英语作文 > My school_550字

My school_550字

2016-04-05 来源:作文网原创

  I have a large school.It is on my hometown.  It is very beatuiful. There are many  flowers , trees and grass there. There is a plastic track,too.  I'm in Class 3 ,Grade 6.The one grade has three class in my school.There are seven lessons every day.We must get up at 5:30,because our school bus come here at 6:30.We get to school probably at 6:55.We class begin at 7:50.We eat lunch at school at 12:00. At 3:30,school is over.So we go home very early.After school,I do my homework at home.Some times,I play football with my friends.We are all very happy.  This is my school!

My school is big and beautiful. It is in my hometown. There are many flowers, trees and grass there. There is a track on the playground, too.  I'm in Class 3, Grade 6. In my school, every grade has three classes. There are seven lessons every day. We must get up at 5:30, because our school bus comes at 6:30. We get to school probably at 6:55. Our class begins at 7:50. We eat lunch at school at 12:00. We finish school at 3:30. So we go home very early. After school, I do my homework at home. Sometimes, I play football with my friends. We are all very happy. This is my school!
修改老师:Crystal 老师 


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