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Hug in spring_400字

2016-03-29 来源:作文网原创

  I like spring best.because spring is so beautiful!It's spring so warm and sunny.I like go on a picnic in spring.I often go to a park is weekend. be read books on Sunday.The sangwich is my favonrite food.drink tea is my favourite.in the spring is cool.  Today is spring last a day.fiy a kite is a outside.hug is the beautiful spring.I with my fried and my parents together hug spring.love you,spring!

I like spring best because spring is so beautiful! It's warm and sunny in spring, so I can have a picnic with my family and friends. We often go to park at weekends. We bring lots of food and drinks. My favorite food is sandwiches and I like tea best. We can also enjoy reading there. And we often fly kites there. We have a great time! I love spring!

修改老师:Crystal 老师 


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