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作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 六年级英语作文 > SPRING_700字


2016-03-29 来源:作文网原创

  in  the  spring,we  can  flying  kite.spring  a  very beautiful.I Believe everyone love spring.                      in the spring ,i heve a picnic in the park .we look some ducks in the pond,they are lovely,sky not have a clouds. so today out of the question rain soon.                                                                                        I heard the weather forecast ‘’it will be sunny in shandong''.we are in the park the sun is shining     and the wind is blowing ,linda and i are playing hinde and seek.the birds are singing.the rabbits are       jimping.the weather is very good.a man is wearing a big hat.some clildren are jumping in the water.        we are having a lovely time!Bye-bye.

Sring is very beautiful. I believe everyone loves spring. In spring, we can fly kites. In spring, we can have a picnic in the park. There, we can see some lovely ducks playing in the pond. The sun is shining brightly, the wind is blowing gently and the birds are singing happily. Linda and I are playing hide and seek. The weather is very good. We are having a great time.



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