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Spring Is Coming_900字

2016-03-18 来源:作文网原创

  I wish I had a pair of wings,Take me all over the world to see the beautiful spring,Because spring is holy ,I love Spring 。                                                                                                                                The sun is shining on my body,I looked at the fragrant flowers and green grass. Spring girl's footsteps have come to the earth ,Small trees have leaves, I touch the skin of a tree。I listen to the footsteps of the spring rain ,I planted the seeds of hope.,Spring has come。                                                      I took the hand of spring girl, I hope my Chunkun winter just disappear, I hope my achievements, such as spring like, getting better and better, I hope my knowledge, such as the new grass, which grows higher, more and more rich.

I really hope that the spring will never stop, and I embrace life。                                                             Now I don't say it. I want to feel the spring.


I wish I had a pair of wings which can take me to see the beautiful spring around the world. Because spring is holy, I love spring.

In spring, the sun shines brightly, and the weather becomes warmer and warmer. The flowers begin to bloom, and the trees begin to turn green. So I can go outside to enjoy the sunshine and smell the flowers. Sometimes, it rains. We feel very comfortable.

In spring, farmers start to sow the seeds. And I am also ready to have a new start. I am ready to work hard. I am ready to learn. I hope my knowledge, like the new grass, will be richer and richer. 



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