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作文 > 范文大全 > 学习心得体会范文 > 中考英语:走出“主谓一致”的三大误区


2016-01-27 来源:作文网整合

  ⊙ 重庆市巴川中学 潘云芬


   误区一 误认主语

   1. 倒装句
   ①between the two buildings are a big tree. (×)
   ②between the two buildings is a big tree. (√)
   【解析】 第①句谓语动词使用are,错误地认为the two buildings是该句的主语,但实际上是介词between的宾语,一起构成介词短语,而介词短语不能充当主语。该句是一个倒装句,真正主语是a big tree。因此第②句正确。
   特别提醒 倒装句的常见结构:副词/介词短语+谓语+主语
   2. 主语之后带有介词短语
   ①the fruit like apples , oranges are good for our health. (×)
   ②the fruit like apples , oranges is good for our health. (√)
   【解析】 第①句误认为apples , oranges是主语,因此谓语动词用are,而实际上the fruit才是该句的主语,like apples , oranges是介词短语作后置定语修饰the fruit。该句译为“像苹果、桔子之类的水果对我们的身体是有好处的”。因此第②句是正确的。
   特别提醒 类似的结构有:主语+with / like / except / but / together with / as well as . . . ,谓语动词应与主语一致,而与介词短语之后的名词无关。
   3. one of . . . + 名词复数或复数代词
   ①there are twenty boys in our class. one of the boys are from canada. (×)
   ②there are twenty boys in our class. one of the boys is from canada. (√)
   【解析】 one of the boys的中心词是one,因此谓语动词用单数,造成第①句错误的原因主要是把the boys当成了该句的主语。
   4. 定语从句
   ①i like the photos which was taken in beijing. (×)
   ②i like the photos which were taken in beijing. (√)
   【解析】 which were taken in beijing是一个定语从句,用于修饰先行词the photos,而which本身就代替先行词the photos。因此谓语动词要用复数,造成第①句错误的原因是没有弄清楚关系词which的实质,只是从形式上看它是单数。
   特别提醒 定语从句中的谓语动词应该与先行词保持一致。

   误区二 被主语的表象迷惑

   1. 看似复数却表单数概念
   ①maths are my favourite subject. (×)
   ②maths is my favourite subject. (√)
   【解析】 maths本身是一个以“s”结尾的单词,而不是一个复数名词,表示单数概念“数学”这一学科,因此第②句正确。
   类似的有:physics , news , politics . . .
   2. 看似单数却表复数概念
   ①the police is searching for the robbers. (×)
   ②the police are searching for the robbers. (√)
   【解析】 the police译为“警方”,表示复数概念,而不是表示“那个警察”,因此第②句正确,类似的词有:people , the + 形容词,the + 姓 + family等均表复数概念。


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