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In the future_800字

2015-12-07 来源:作文网原创

20 years later. I will be a boss. I have a coffee shop and a restaurant. There will be very beautiful. I will get richer nd richer. I will have a wife. I will travel around the world with her. We will go to Egypt to see Pyramid,go to India to see Taj Mahal,go to Great Barrier Reef in Australia,go to Bulgaria to see roses. We will have a good time. I will live in Athens. I have a big villa. There is a swimming pool in the villa. I will have a garden,there are a lot of red roses. Inside the villa has a large lawn. There is a swing on the big lawn.We will have a party there. We will invite many good friends! At that time, I will have three children. Every morning, I will take them to see the sunrise on t-he blue roof,looking at the beautiful Aegean sea.Maybe I will keep 2 Teddy dogs and live happily together. I will have a happy life,Do not you thing so? 


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