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暑假英语日记:the movie Charlie_750字

2009-08-10 来源:网络资源

  I went to see the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my brother today. I had great desire to see the movie before because people had high estimate for it. At first I was so excited. Not just because the vast volume, also for Johnny Depp. But when it finished, I felt it really was a simple movie and very suitable for children. The chocolates looked so delicious though the movie had a bit of distance as my imagination.

  I felt Johnny Depp was a good actor because I saw the Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. I was attracted by his character and his make-up. Now, I am expecting the sequel. Hope it can reveal the quality as good as the first.

  After we watched the movie, the rain goes heavily. Although we had an umbrella, our pants, and shoes were wet form it. Because the heavy rain, the visibility was not very good, so we had a littlie traffic accident with the other car. Fortunately, both the cars and people were safe and well


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