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2009-08-10 来源:网络资源

  My name is Jin Jiahong, and my English name is Kaci. I’m 14years old, 37kg. I like English, and books, red, orange, pink, blue, shuttlecock, waternmelon, apple, and bananas. Yesterday, I went to Zhejiang University to learn English. Oh, here is beautiful! I make a friend. Her name is Mayun. She is from Hangzhou, she’s 10 years old, and likes apples.

  Today, I’m very happy.

  班主任评语: Very good! Keep studying hard, and I believe you can learn a lot here!


  My chinese name is 范依昀。My English name is Kate. Brown. My family name is Brown. My first name is Kate. I’m 12 years old. I am chinese. I’m from Huzhou. I have many hobbies. I like playing football, and playing computer. I like blue best. I have a friend. Her name is 蒋姣姣。 She looks happy, she is lovely. I like her very much. She likes watching TV and singing.there is three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a doctor, my mother is a doctor too. I like them very much. I am happy every day. My telephone number is ********. Welcome to my home.

  班主任评语:very good! Your hand-writhing is very nice.



  Today is the first day of the summer camp. I couldn’t sleep well yesterday evening. Maybe I felt a little uncomfortable. I seldom live with others. And the bedroom is different form home. But I met three new friends here. They’re friendly and lovely.

  After the beginning ceremony, I had an exam. the first passage was a little difficult for me. Some words I haven’t learn before. I spent some minutes on it. Anyway, I thought I passed it.

  In the afternoon, I saw the foreign teacher. Her name is Jane. A beautiful firl who comes from USA. She is not old, just 22. But she had been to Europe, Beijing. She let us play some games, because she wanted us to know each ther quickly. But I think the games is not interesting. So some students don’t put their hearts in the game. Also the teacher spoke so quickly that I couldn’t understand her.

  班主任评语:Beautiful hand-writing! Except for some grammer mistakes, this dairy could be perfect! As for the class, I think you will feel better and adapt to the class day by day.



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